Pubg has been proven to be a huge blessing for all the gamers and the geeks. All the introverts who have always wanted to kill humans (IRL), have finally found a perfect platform! Further more, this is the only area with a wide range of scope (Pun intended). Being a gamer myself, I've come across a wide range of douche bags and their plays. In a few situations, you intend to kill your team mate before you kill anybody else. Why? Nope, not for the kills or the loot. (Duh! Who am I kidding?) But also, for all the acts they do to prove their peak of stupidity and non-cooperation.
Perhaps, I've categoriesed such mates into the following types. I'm quite sure that if you play pubg in a squad, you would've come across such people too.
Perhaps, I've categoriesed such mates into the following types. I'm quite sure that if you play pubg in a squad, you would've come across such people too.
(Also called as lagging) Every squad has a teammate who eventually freezes in the middle of the game while your ice cream is Melting. These kind of players experience the most amount of teleportation and early deaths. "Th...e of my de....death lagging" - Should be declared as the international excuse for the deaths occurred in any battle royale game as it is used by each & every player who has ever played pubg and died. Catch a break already!
(Also called as lagging) Every squad has a teammate who eventually freezes in the middle of the game while your ice cream is Melting. These kind of players experience the most amount of teleportation and early deaths. "Th...e of my de....death lagging" - Should be declared as the international excuse for the deaths occurred in any battle royale game as it is used by each & every player who has ever played pubg and died. Catch a break already!
There's always that one person in the squad who demands and eventually decides to land seperately from other teammates and uselessly cries for help when get's knocked down. Hello from the other side! And like krewella once quoted "didn't they tell you a view is good from the sideline". Plays solo in a squad. There's always an "i' in the "tieam" indeed.
There's always that one person in the squad who demands and eventually decides to land seperately from other teammates and uselessly cries for help when get's knocked down. Hello from the other side! And like krewella once quoted "didn't they tell you a view is good from the sideline". Plays solo in a squad. There's always an "i' in the "tieam" indeed.
Sounds like a superhero? Well, it's not! The correspondence extremist kind of players burn the hell out of your ears and annoys the shit out of you through the tiny texts spoken by a woman's voice. Cries for "help!" while watching an enemy die. Asks to "turn on voice chat!" But never turns it on himself. Order to go into the safe zone while himself dies in the storm. "Impressive!". Is it? No, it's not!
Sounds like a superhero? Well, it's not! The correspondence extremist kind of players burn the hell out of your ears and annoys the shit out of you through the tiny texts spoken by a woman's voice. Cries for "help!" while watching an enemy die. Asks to "turn on voice chat!" But never turns it on himself. Order to go into the safe zone while himself dies in the storm. "Impressive!". Is it? No, it's not!
After his death, this player doesn't leave the back of his team. Disturbs the hell out of the other teammates by making suspicion-warnings. Gets stuck like a slime and directs the players inorder to throw a chicken dinner! (But sometimes mainly with the motive of getting the other teammates killed so that they could start another game asap). Like the chainsmokers said, "if we go down then we go down together."
After his death, this player doesn't leave the back of his team. Disturbs the hell out of the other teammates by making suspicion-warnings. Gets stuck like a slime and directs the players inorder to throw a chicken dinner! (But sometimes mainly with the motive of getting the other teammates killed so that they could start another game asap). Like the chainsmokers said, "if we go down then we go down together."
The solo motto of such teammates is to as many ammos as they can. To share? Well, partly yes. To show off? HELL YES! This type of players probably achieve marathon man as they're the first people to loot as soon as their teammates kill someone. Impressive! Such type can be easily compared to the character of Moose Finbar from jumanji. Got everything packed in the bag pack and ready for a picnic! I swear, a level 3 bagpack is a divine for the hardcore pillagers. A piece of advice, if you ever get annoyed by such a teammate who refuses to share his/her ammos, kindly blow 'em up with a grenade. I bet you wouldn't regret.
The solo motto of such teammates is to as many ammos as they can. To share? Well, partly yes. To show off? HELL YES! This type of players probably achieve marathon man as they're the first people to loot as soon as their teammates kill someone. Impressive! Such type can be easily compared to the character of Moose Finbar from jumanji. Got everything packed in the bag pack and ready for a picnic! I swear, a level 3 bagpack is a divine for the hardcore pillagers. A piece of advice, if you ever get annoyed by such a teammate who refuses to share his/her ammos, kindly blow 'em up with a grenade. I bet you wouldn't regret.
The prudent circumspect aka that one man army who gets the MVP with the most of kills and throws a chicken dinner for all of his teammates. He is a slinger! A huge shout out to you guys! P.S even this kind contains some of the above stated qualities of the list. Nobody is perfect.
The prudent circumspect aka that one man army who gets the MVP with the most of kills and throws a chicken dinner for all of his teammates. He is a slinger! A huge shout out to you guys! P.S even this kind contains some of the above stated qualities of the list. Nobody is perfect.
This buddy is somehow gifted to have the worst aim ever! There's an enemy right beside the tree, why are you shooting the rock, bruh? You don't need a scope. You need an eye indeed!
This buddy is somehow gifted to have the worst aim ever! There's an enemy right beside the tree, why are you shooting the rock, bruh? You don't need a scope. You need an eye indeed!
The commentator is that annoying player who does the commentary of every single supply he picks up. From a pistol to the third level military vest to the number of kills he has accomplished to the exact way how his game is lagging to anybody who isn't responding mainly because they've turned off their speakers.
The commentator is that annoying player who does the commentary of every single supply he picks up. From a pistol to the third level military vest to the number of kills he has accomplished to the exact way how his game is lagging to anybody who isn't responding mainly because they've turned off their speakers.
The reckless master usually wonders around the map, runs a marathon, is hungry for the supply drop all in the land of the-you-can-be-dead-anytime.
The reckless master usually wonders around the map, runs a marathon, is hungry for the supply drop all in the land of the-you-can-be-dead-anytime.
The perfect lander has an extraordinary skill of jumping off the plane, skydiving and landing on that perfect corner without having to run shamelessly without carrying any weapons.
The perfect lander has an extraordinary skill of jumping off the plane, skydiving and landing on that perfect corner without having to run shamelessly without carrying any weapons.
Now, go and start roasting your teammates already!